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© Route 66 Car Club 2024 All Rights Reserved.Design & Developed by Themespride
Park Santa Fe Shopping Center (Harbor Freight) parking lot. Cars to assemble near the road (East Route 66.)
Remote attendance is now possible! To join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/246306013 You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (646) 749-3122- One-touch: tel:+16467493122,,246306013# Access Code: 246-306-013
Park Santa Fe Shopping Center (Harbor Freight) parking lot. Cars to assemble near the road (East Route 66.)
Park Santa Fe Shopping Center (Harbor Freight) parking lot. Cars to assemble near the road (East Route 66.) Gather at 5:00 PM then ride over as group to the Doney Park Food Truck Roundup or just drive over yourself!!
Food trucks so far: Fat-Mans Smokehouse The Chile Box Express Burritos EggsQuisite Music by 'Bout Time
June 2021 Cruise_updated
Park Santa Fe Shopping Center (Harbor Freight) parking lot. Cars to assemble near the road (East Route 66.)
Park Santa Fe Shopping Center (Harbor Freight) parking lot. Cars to assemble near the road (East Route 66.)